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10 Ways to Stay Married During the Pandemic


Marriage is a challenge even if the couple seems to fit perfectly together. Staying together as a married couple has been even more difficult during the pandemic, so many couples have chosen couples therapy. Let us look at 10 ways to stay married during the pandemic.

1) Maintain Good Communication

Communication is vital for the peace and success of a marriage. Sincerely sharing our feelings with our partner prevents resentments from building up. This is especially important during times of stress. Good communication doesn’t come naturally for most people, but marriage counseling can help. 

2) Be a Good Listener

Being a good listener means paying careful attention to what your wife or husband is saying without interrupting. Sometimes, he or she does not need you to come up with a quick “solution” to the problem, or for you to tell them that what they’re worried about is not that big of a deal. Rather, they just want you to listen. If you find that they should adjust their point of view about the matter that is troubling them, kindly express it at the appropriate time.

3) Respect Each Other’s Personal Space

Being stuck at home or simply living under restrictions may drive you both crazy if there aren’t any boundaries. It’s important to have and respect each other’s personal space. For example, if both of you have a certain hobby that you like to develop alone, make sure to spend some time apart.

4) Spend Time Together

We are talking about meaningful time together. Maybe watch a movie or do something that you both enjoy. Remember that even the tedious responsibilities of the house can become a fun activity when both are involved and help each other.

5) Be Willing to Forgive 

Nobody is perfect. It doesn’t matter how hard we try, eventually, we will say or do things that hurt each other. The key is to sincerely make amends and also to forgive one another. Holding on to past hurts is damaging to a marriage. It is also a childish attitude to keep resentments pent up. 

6) Make Time for Romance

Passion doesn’t have to fade with time. Just because you’re married it doesn’t mean that the romance has to take a back seat in the relationship. While it’s true that things might not be as fiery as they once were, a little romance can go a long way. 

7) Focus on the Positive Aspects of Your Partner

With time, we may start to notice more of our partner’s “flaws,” rather than their positive aspects. This doesn’t mean we should overlook them, but remember that we fell in love for many reasons and it’s important to highlight their best qualities. 

8) Share Time with Relatives and Friends

Even under pandemic restrictions, there are methods to keep in touch with our loved ones. Texting, phone calls, and Zoom are all ways to stay in touch with our loved ones who are far from us right now. It also helps to break up the monotony of social distancing. 

9) Remember Good Times Together

If you feel exhausted under the current circumstances, share time together remembering good moments that you’ve experienced together. Highlight the fact that sometimes we just need a good vacation or special occasion to recover the laughter and joy.

10) Have Goals in Common

Once all of this is over, better times will come for sure. Talk about goals that you both would like to fulfil and prepare for them. It doesn’t need to be a huge thing. It can be something simple. But remember that the journey together is the most important factor to living a happy life. 

Marriage Counseling

For questions about marriage counseling, reach the office of Brett Beaver, LMFT by using this quick contact form. You can also learn more about Brett and his approach to therapy by clicking this link.